* 一天完了之後,即總而言之,無論怎樣
* = when all is said and done 話說到底;所有該說的也說了,該做的也做了
* = in the last analysis 或 in the final analysis 分析到最後
The higher up you go, the more traumatic it is for the organization to remove people, and you don’t like to do that, but in the final analysis you have to. 你爬得愈高,組織裁汰一些人造成的創傷愈大。你不喜歡做那種事,到頭來卻非做不可(摘自《Judgment》(博客來網路書店的中文網頁介紹或Amazon.com的英文網頁介紹)
用到at the end of the day一詞的新聞報導:
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