另,A go-to guy是什麼意思?根據台灣英語網的解釋,那是指:
A person you can go to for help in a difficult situation. 意即處於困境時能幫你忙的人,也是A person that you go to when you don't know where to go. If he doesn't know, he knows who to go to get the answer.go-to man又是什麼人?NBA 籃球英語第三集說,go-to man是指:
在關鍵時刻可以託付重任的人,另一個說法是 clutch player那麼,go-to tool又是什麼?依照上面所說推論,go-to tool是重要時刻必用的工具。例如:
Eventually, games will become the go-to tools for launching internal initiatives.這句話的意思應該是:
- 小牛的進攻重心也很明確,除了「go-to man」諾維斯基外,霍華德在下半場復活以及泰瑞殺傷力十足的切入急停跳投,構成進攻的「鐵三角」,讓太陽防守顧此失彼。(摘自中時部落格-文大培的部落格-小牛vs.太陽G3戰評(2006.05.29))
- Even though he is the "go-to" person for everyone's problems and needs, Brown is ever the pastor, talking only of the strength he witnesses among people despite the trauma they have experienced. "What has amazed me most is the amount of resiliency the people here have, once they know they have some hope to get to a better day," he said. "These are proud, hardworking folks. They are already bouncing back."(摘自Harvard Gazette: Pastor, mayor, and 'go to' man at Otis)
- Warwick 'The Big Ship' Armstrong was 41 when the Australian captaincy came his way. He promptly led Australia to an Ashes whitewash at home, and then a 3-0 success in England in 1921. Kumble, whose career has lasted almost as long, turned 37 last month. For as long as most of us can remember, he has been India's Big Unit, the go-to man when all else failed. If he can script the sort of fairytale ending that the Big Ship did, it won't matter for once that Indian cricket went back to a veteran.(摘自Veteran Kumble is the ideal bridge to India's future, Guardian Unlimited, UK -
Nov 15, 2007 )
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