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2008年4月14日 星期一

比爾‧蓋茲;比尔‧盖兹(Bill Gates)

"微軟創辦人蓋茲在投資界的名氣不如股神巴菲特,但仍然大有可觀,他的投資公司投資加拿大國鐵(Canadian National Railway)、墨西哥酒廠和廣播公司,頻頻創造佳績,散戶應該學著點。

蓋茲雖然靠電腦軟體致富,他名下的投資公司卻不碰科技股。蓋茲的開斯凱投資公司(Cascade)多檔持股都已經賺到高報酬,新買的墨西哥釀酒(Fomento Economico Mexicano)前景看來也很光明。"<2008/04/14>

"Even though Bill Gates gave his farewell speech at CES this past January, the soon-to-be retired founder of Microsoft has been strangely vocal ever since his departure announcement. And although he's inexorably tied to his beloved software company, why hasn't he entered the twilight of his life as he said he would?

After all, doesn't he have something better to do, like take care of his Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation or water flowers in the backyard or watch the ruined Price is Right?"<2008/02/20>
  • 比爾蓋茲退休告別演說:下個數位十年

網路起飛,下一個數位十年將是什麼模樣?即將退休的比爾蓋茲預測,未來你可能走進商店瀏覽、跟別人在3D的社交環境裡會面... more>>

.比爾蓋茲退休之後的科技世界,天下雜誌總主筆吳迎春為你解讀... 立即體驗MP3>>(摘自天下雜誌2008/01/15電子報


相關字詞:微軟公司(Microsoft Corp.)

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