蘇 哈托統治印尼32年,改變了印尼赤貧的狀況。但是在更多人記憶中,他是一個頑固阻礙民主進程,壓制人民自由的獨裁者。他在任期間,扶植了一個官商勾結、貪 污腐敗的商人階層。直到現在,這仍然是印尼社會的一個無法去除的頑疾。"<《華爾街日報》中文網絡版,2008/01/27>
"Indonesian ex-leader Suharto, 86, has died after suffering multiple organ failure for the second time this month.蘇哈托新聞報導(正體):
He died at 1310 (0610 GMT) after slipping into a coma, doctors said.
During his 32-years in power, the economy thrived, but thousands were killed in the provinces of Papua and Aceh and in East Timor invaded in 1975."<2008/01/27>
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