"当bhangra(一种起源于印度的音乐)的节奏为西方流行音乐所采用,或者当印度的舞蹈设计师将卡塔克舞和芭蕾融合在一起,当印度美女在世界小姐和环 球小姐大赛上鳌头独占,或者当“季风婚宴”令评论家拍案叫绝、《印度往事》获得奥斯卡奖提名,当印度作家获得布克奖或者普利策奖,印度的软实力无一不在得 以增强。"<2008/01/17>
- 印度由二十八個省、六個特別行政區(union territories)和首都德里構成,但經濟上,卻可以說是一群個別國家,由困難的通關程序分隔開來。仔細觀察,各省之間的經濟差距十分驚人。德里的平均每人所得是比哈(Bihar)省的五倍。比哈不只是最窮的省份,也是人口最多的省之一。(摘自《中國龍與印度象:改變新世界經濟的十大威脅》,中文繁體版)
- The McKinsey Quarterly Chart Focus Newsletter: "The same furious energy that made India a world-class provider of software and business services is creating a huge urban middle class. By 2025, household spending could more than quadruple, generating the 5th-largest consumer economy on Earth, up from 12th now. About 400 million Indian city dwellers—nearly 100 million more people than the United States has today—will enjoy comfortable living standards. Even India’s most affluent consumers will outnumber not only the comparable segment in China but also the entire current population of Australia."
- 當代印度憲政體制,石忠山,東華大學民族語言與傳播學系暨民族發展研究所助理教授
- 印度的政治參與和國會選舉,李憲榮,長榮大學翻譯學系教授
- 《天下》雜誌提到「印度」文章
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