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2008年2月22日 星期五

市場價值;市值(market value)

"... Now the bigger question is why Microsoft is paying seemingly such a huge amount for Yahoo (way above its market cap at the time of offer). First of all, the market value of a company does not always represent its fundamental value or real business value. Second and most important thing is the future potential of search marketing which is expected to rise from $45 billion currently to about $75 billion by 2010."<2008/02/07>
"瑞士信貸集團(Credit Suisse Group)週二表示﹐預計公司將因受次貸危機影響的金融工具而計入28.5億美元的沖減﹐這將導致季度利潤減少10億美元。而就在一週前﹐該公司還向投 資者表示﹐已基本度過了金融危機最困難的時期。美國國際集團(American International Group)在一週前被迫將2007年底的損失額預期增加了約36億美元。……


market value的相關新聞報導:(可能抓到與本辭條無關的新聞)

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