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> 西南航空公司(Southwest Airlines Co.)
西南航空公司(Southwest Airlines Co.)
閱讀筆記:"Zuboff said some businesses consistently have managed successfully through economic cycles. Southwest Airlines bucked the trend of jacking up fares and reducing service during the last recession. The result: It gained market share at the expense of its cost-cutting competitors and was positioned to grow as the economy recovered."<2008/02/24>
"美國西南航空(Southwest Airlines Co.)一貫以業務強勁和財務穩健著稱﹐然而在整個航空業日漸復甦的背景下﹐在投資者看來﹐該股未必是理想之選。
在 近幾個月大盤反彈的提振下﹐一度萎靡不振的航空股重新煥發活力。相比之下﹐業務最穩健的西南航空卻顯得後勁不足。一年來﹐美利堅航空(American Airlines)的母公司AMR Corp.上漲168%。與西南航空同樣採用中心輻射運作模式的大陸航空(Continental Airlines)上漲142%。而西南航空的漲幅卻只有區區25%﹐雖然這也超過了道瓊斯指數同期7%的漲幅。"<《華爾街日報》中文網絡版, 2006/03/29>
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