- Mr. Yang himself, at times, suggested that some of the burdens of his new role weighed heavily on him. Speaking to Yahoo advertisers at a conference in October, he described the chief executive job as “lonely.”
“As a founder everybody loves you,” he said. “When you become C.E.O., you can tell somewhat the behaviors change.” He later added: “You have to make tough calls.” (摘自Is It Too Late for Yahoo? - New York Times, Miguel Helft And Brad Stone, The New York Times, February 8, 2008)
- 艾克森公司(Exxon)前執行長李‧雷蒙(Lee Raymond)
- 艾克森公司(Exxon)前執行長勞倫斯‧羅爾(Lawrence Rawl)
- AOL時代華納(AOL Time Warner)的執行長狄克‧帕爾森(Dick Parsons)
- 摩根大通銀行(JPMorgan Chase)前董事長兼執行長華爾特‧席普利(Walter Shipley)
- 摩根大通的大衛‧柯爾特(David Coulter)
- 紐約人壽保險(New York Life)的執行長塞伊‧史端博(Sy Sternberg)
- 戴爾公司(Dell)前執行長凱文‧羅林斯(Kevin Rollins)
- 百思買(Best Buy)執行長布雷德‧安德森(Brad Anderson)
- 百勝餐飲集團(Yum! Brands)的執行長大衛‧諾維克(David Novak)
- 波音公司(Boeing)的執行長吉姆‧麥勒尼(Jim McNerney)
- 卡特彼勒(Caterpillar)的吉姆‧歐文斯(Jim Owens)
- 波音公司(Boeing)的前執行長哈里‧史東塞佛(Harry Stonecipher)
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