Sony Corp.'s share price, which has been struggling of late despite turnaround efforts, got a bit of a lift after an investment company owned by Dubai's ruler bought a stake in Japanese electronics and entertainment company.
拜酋長名下的一家投資公司收購索尼公司(Sony Corp.)部分股份的消息傳出後﹐此前在股市一直萎靡不振的索尼出現小幅上揚。(《華爾街日報》中文網絡版,2007/11/27)翻譯研究:
請注意這段譯文中,兩岸對Dubai的譯法不同。台灣譯為「杜拜」。另,這段譯文並沒有把turnaround的意思翻譯出來。Sony Corp.'s share price, which has been struggling of late despite turnaround efforts……的意思是「儘管力圖振衰起蔽,近來低迷不振的索尼股價……」。
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