- 中時電子報|焦點新聞|敗選重組權力 派系死灰復燃: "民進黨雖然連敗兩場選舉,八年家產耗盡,但是「危機也是轉機」,現在正是想在民進黨重組權力的最好時機,表面看似按兵不動,檯面下已動作頻頻,已經解散的派系,都準備在這次逐漸浮出檯面,死灰復燃。"<2008/03/25>
- 西方人在探索未來的策略選項時,有必要深思中國人將西方的「crisis」一字,翻譯成由「危」和「機」兩個中國字組成一個詞的智慧。太多西方人只看到危險;極少去看機會。(摘自《The New Asian Hemisphere: The Irresistible Shift of Global Power to the East》,Mahbubani, Kishore ,Perseus Books Group。請參考博客來網路書店的介紹或Amazon.com的介紹;繁體中文版《亞半球大國崛起:亞洲強權再起的衝擊與挑戰》廉價出售,請按這裡〔數量有限,可能已經售完〕)
"(中華民國總統當選人)馬英九(3月23日)上午舉行國際媒體記者會,兩岸議題是關注焦點,馬英九表示,中國對台灣是威脅、也是機會,台灣應該將威脅降 到最低,把機會提到最高,他會以開放的態度面對對岸,上任後與對岸協商的重點,是經貿正常化、和平協議與討論台灣國際空間。"<2008/03/24>--------
路透(Reuter)的一篇文章說,億萬富翁投資人華倫‧巴菲特(Warren Buffett)表示,全球的信貸危機(credit crunch),為他的保險和投資公司柏克夏哈薩威(Berkshire Hathaway)創造了一些併購機會。
路透引述巴菲特在福克斯商業新聞頻道(Fox Business Network)的話表示,他感覺應該投資於陷入苦鬥的金融服務業,並且認為,如果條件有所變化,他會考慮著手併購。
這則新聞,讓我想起Noel M. Tichy和Warren G. Bennis寫的《Judgment》一書(博客來網路書店的中文網頁介紹或Amazon.com的英文網頁介紹),一再提到,成功的領導人應該在危機中留意千載難逢的良機。兩位作者甚為推崇的波音公司執行長吉姆‧麥勒尼(Jim McNerney),「做了決斷,化危機為轉機,改造波音的內部文化和領導行為,結果公司產生的新去氧核糖核酸(DNA),能夠支持他的策略,帶領波音成為在商場上競爭,以及領導階層重視倫理的世界一流典範」。
已經去世的美國四星上將韋恩‧唐寧(Wayne Downing),總是在危機期間,留意出乎意料的轉機。《Judgment》引述他的話說:「混亂給你的是機會,有時更是正常狀況下絕對不會有的機會。 發生危機時,混亂的狀況通常不只讓你落居劣勢,也會給你巨大的優勢,去做你以其他任何方式都沒辦法做的事情,然而人總是將心思集中在所處的劣勢上。
* Recessions as a business opportunity - The Boston Globe: "A slowing economy changes the game for companies and managers. The playing field is strewn with land mines: Lenders balk, customers bail, bosses bark, and employees stew over cutbacks.
Business leaders confident about making decisions and deploying assets in a period of growth find they have to operate differently when sales slump and resources shrink. In some cases, the skills that had previously served them well - hiring talent, rolling out products, anticipating market demand - are no longer valued.
'Often it becomes about binging and purging, and that's the sign of a poorly managed company,' said business author Shoshana Zuboff, a retired Harvard Business School professor who believes companies should maintain their values, refocus on quality, and expand their relationship with customers during an economic downturn. 'The well-managed companies look at a recession as an opportunity.'
"The economy is slowing, but nobody thinks we're going into a Great Depression," Nightingale said. "The earth is going to keep spinning, day is going to follow night. And if you've starved your budget, you're not going to have product when it's time to expand again.""<2008/02/24>
* 聯合理財網-研究報告-<font color=red>財富人生》</font>跟著索羅斯狠撈大錢 �: "亂世才有賺頭
* Subprime crisis an opportunity for Third Avenue
Seattle Times, United States -
... investor Martin Whitman, reopened its $2.3 billion international fund after the US subprime crisis lowered prices and created buying opportunities. ...
* Are we capable of learning? Crisis as a moment for self ...
KanglaOnline, India -
Crisis is not entirely a negative event. While it comes as a moment of calamity, it also opens up opportunities for a new beginning. ...
Telegraph.co.uk, United Kingdom -
It may still be too early to buy banks and other financials, but further development in the credit crisis should create a great contrarian opportunity. ...
Turning a Tsunami Into a Windfall - For Some
New California Media, CA -
Different political movements have used shocks and crises to build their utopian societies. You could argue that the Bolsheviks did it. ...
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